• Charles Alan Sander

    I want to order Rosary Leaflets for my parish but I can’t work out how do do so. HELP
    Jim Sander

    • tackems

      Hello Charles, Can you give me some more details, my email address is at the bottom of the Introduction section.
      Best wishes

    • tackems

      Send me some details and I will try and answer your queries. My email address is at the bottom of the Introduction section.
      Best wishes

  • Sister Julie Doran

    I am collecting Roasaries for a Crusade opf Prayer against the Disturbances in Northeren Nigeri a.
    many Bishops have requested for Rosaries to get all Christians to Pray for Safety of Christians against Islamist Terrorists.

    • tackems

      Dear Sister Julie,
      Please send me an email, my address is shown at the bottom of the Introduction section.
      Best wishes

  • Loretta Wright

    Good evening
    Is this something which is still available? I work in a Catholic school in Bristol and would love to give each child rosary beads for the month of October

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